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Friday, February 04, 2005
On this day:

Metro To Leave 86 Employees Without Cars

The WP reports that "as of July 1, the number of employees who are assigned vehicles they can take home and park free at Metro's downtown headquarters would be reduced from 135 to 49." The WP reports the reaction of D.C. Council member Jim Graham:
[He] represents the District on the Metro board and has acknowledged that he drives most places, criticized Metro officials for allowing the policy to last as long as it did.

Sounds like a good start, even though 49 cars remain. Additionally, Metro isn't actually selling off these 86 cars, but rather "the newly unassigned cars will be added to the system's vehicle pool."

While the WP does note that Metro "Board members and all of Metro's roughly 10,000 employees ride buses and trains for free," the WP omits the amount of the taxpayer subsidy Metro receives.