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Monday, March 07, 2005
On this day:

Fairfax's School Budget to Increase 82 Times Faster than Enrollment

Fairfax County's school budget is set to increase 8.2%, while enrollment has increased only 0.1%.

Juxtapose this excerpt from one WP article from February 15:

Fairfax's school enrollment will show a minuscule increase this year -- 186

with this excerpt from another WP article from March 1:

Most of the plan's 6.9 percent spending increase would go to schools in a move that could resolve several weeks of tensions between the county board and school officials over the first budget presented by new superintendent Jack D. Dale. Dale's proposed 9.7 percent increase, pared slightly by the school board, far exceeded what the county said it would give the schools next year. But Griffin's proposed school spending increase of 8.2 percent brought the two sides far closer.

(Since the WP failed to provide current enrollment statistics for FCPS, please feel free to check the FCPS website, which reports that current enrollment is 166,275.)


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